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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = sociology of education] OR [Subject and Keywords = upper secondary school] OR [Subject and Keywords = school selection] OR [Subject and Keywords = knowledge of history] OR [Subject and Keywords = 20th century Polish history] OR [Subject and Keywords = attitudes towards history] OR [Subject and Keywords = student achievement] OR [Subject and Keywords = socjologia edukacji] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia Polski 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = szkoła ponadgimnazjalna] OR [Subject and Keywords = selekcja szkolna] OR [Subject and Keywords = wiedza historyczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = postawy wobec historii] OR [Subject and Keywords = osiągnięcia uczniów] OR [Title = Knowledge of 20th century Polish history among upper secondary schools students and its out\-of\-school determinants] OR [Title = Pozaszkolne uwarunkowania wiedzy uczniów szkół ponadgimnazjalnych o historii Polski XX w.] OR [Creator = Męziński, Michał] OR [Creator = Żółtak, Tomasz] OR [Creator = Oniszczuk, Aleksandra]

Number of results: 403

Items per page:

Rycielska, Ludmiła Rycielski, Piotr


Brzezińska, Anna I. Rękosiewicz, Małgorzata Syska, Weronika Piotrowski, Konrad


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