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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = compacton] OR [Subject and Keywords = fale uderzeniowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = kompakton] OR [Subject and Keywords = model signum\-Gordona] OR [Subject and Keywords = perturbacje modelu signum\-Gordona] OR [Subject and Keywords = perturbations of signum\-Gordon model] OR [Subject and Keywords = rozwiązania samopodobne] OR [Subject and Keywords = scaling symmetry] OR [Subject and Keywords = self\-similar solutions] OR [Subject and Keywords = shock waves] OR [Subject and Keywords = signum\-Gordon model] OR [Subject and Keywords = symetria skalowania] OR [Title = Modele teoriopolowe z nieróżniczkowalnym potencjałem] OR [Creator = Klimas, Paweł]

Number of results: 3

Items per page:

Powałowski, Andrzej Bąkowski, Tomasz Biernat, Krzysztof Klimas, Alicja Koroluk, Sławomir Kruczalak-Jankowska, Joanna Mering, Leszek Mierzejewski, Paweł Nawrot, Justyna Nyka, Maciej Trzcińska, Diana Urbańska, Krystyna Maria Powałowska, Alicja Powałowski, Andrzej. Red.


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