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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = sociology of education] OR [Subject and Keywords = mathematics] OR [Subject and Keywords = perception of mathematics] OR [Subject and Keywords = educational choices] OR [Subject and Keywords = intertemporal choices] OR [Subject and Keywords = socjologia edukacji] OR [Subject and Keywords = matematyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = wybory edukacyjne] OR [Subject and Keywords = wybory międzyczasowe] OR [Title = Escaping from mathematics. Reconstructing the process in the context of the social perception of mathematics] OR [Title = Ucieczka od matematyki. Rekonstrukcja procesu w kontekście społecznego wizerunku przedmiotu] OR [Creator = Baczko\-Dombi, Anna]

Number of results: 401

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Russell, Bertrand (1872-1970) Znamierowski, Czesław (1888-1967). Tł.


Murawski, Roman (1949- )


O'Connor, John

strona naukowo-dydaktyczna

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