Search for: [Subject and Keywords = oświata i szkolnictwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia] OR [Subject and Keywords = szkoły] OR [Subject and Keywords = Poznań \(Polska \; region\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = programy nauczania] OR [Subject and Keywords = czasopisma niemieckie 19 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Stoc, Michał \(1781\-1840\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gimnazjum św. Marii Magdaleny w Poznaniu] OR [Title = Programm des Königlichen Marien\-Gymnasiums zu Posen für das Schuljahr 1847\/48 = Program Królewskiego Gimnazyum Ś. Maryi Magdal. w Poznaniu na rok Szkolny 1847\/1848]