Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Bosnia and Herzegovina] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sarajewo \(Bośnia i Hercegowina\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gazi Husrev\-bey Library] OR [Subject and Keywords = Islamic civilization] OR [Subject and Keywords = Muslim culture] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bośnia i Hercegowina] OR [Subject and Keywords = Sarajewo \(Bośnia i Hercegowina\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Biblioteka Husrewa beja] OR [Subject and Keywords = cywilizacja islam] OR [Subject and Keywords = kultura muzułmańska] OR [Title = Gazi Husrev\-bey Library in Sarajevo] OR [Title = Biblioteka Husrewa Beja w Sarajewie] OR [Creator = Krajcarz, Julia]