Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Kościół św. Trójcy \(Kraków\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = 20 Pułk Piechoty] OR [Subject and Keywords = Banach, Wacław] OR [Subject and Keywords = Bant, Jan \(\?\-1939\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = druki ulotne 20 w.] OR [Subject and Keywords = Folda, Michał] OR [Subject and Keywords = Gawlik, Władysław \(\?\-1939\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Grochal, Feliks] OR [Subject and Keywords = Hojło, Antoni] OR [Subject and Keywords = Jabłoński, Alfons] OR [Subject and Keywords = Kapłoński, Sylwester] OR [Subject and Keywords = Lech, Zygmunt] OR [Subject and Keywords = nabożeństwo żałobne] OR [Subject and Keywords = Otto, Rajmund \(\?\-1939\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = religia i duchowość] OR [Subject and Keywords = socjologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = społeczeństwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = Stramski, Stanisław] OR [Subject and Keywords = Strychalski, Antoni] OR [Subject and Keywords = Ślęzak, Mieczysław] OR [Subject and Keywords = Witarowski, Kazimierz \(\?\-1939\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Witkowski, Romuald] OR [Subject and Keywords = Zawadzki, Jan] OR [Subject and Keywords = Żak, Franciszek] OR [Title = Za spokój dusz ś. p. Podoficerów zawodowych b. 20 p.p. Ziemi Krakowskiej, poległych w walce z Niemcami w r. 1939 i pomordowanych w obozach śmierci \[..\] odprawione zostanie w kościele OO. Dominikanów \[...\] we czwartek dnia 28 listopada 1946 r. o godz. 8 rano \[...\]]