Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Jezuici] OR [Subject and Keywords = etyka] OR [Subject and Keywords = prawo kanoniczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = religia i duchowość] OR [Subject and Keywords = spowiedź] OR [Subject and Keywords = teologia moralna] OR [Title = Flores Svmmarvm, Sive Alphabetvm Morale, Quo omnes ferme conscientiæ casus, qui Confessariis contingere possunt, breviter, clare, ac quantum licet, benigne digeruntur. \: Ex Selectoribvs Doctoribus, præcipue Societatis Iesu\; ex utroque Iure, ac Manu scriptis variis. \/ Authore. R. P. Ioanne de Alloza Societatis Iesu Theologo, e Regia Civitate Lima Opus sedulo labore per annos triginta conquisitum, ex legibus Imperatorum, Decretis Pontificum, usu Parochorum, Prætorum Pervani Regni \&c. collectum. \[...\] Cum Indice rerum, \& Titulorum] OR [Creator = Alloza, Juan de \(1597\-1666\)]