Search for: [Subject and Keywords = chrześcijaństwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = asceza \(religia\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = eremityzm] OR [Subject and Keywords = historia] OR [Subject and Keywords = ojcowie kościoła] OR [Subject and Keywords = religia i duchowość] OR [Subject and Keywords = zakony męskie] OR [Title = D. Ioannis Cassiani Eremitæ Monasticarum Institutionum libri IIII, De Capitalibus vitiis libri VIII \; Collationes SS. Patrum XXIIII \; De Verbi Incarnatione libri VII \[...\] \: Accesserunt quoque Regulæ SS. Patrum ex antiquissimo Affliginiensis monasterij Ms. codice desumptæ] OR [Creator = Jan Kasjan \(święty \; około 360\-około 435\)]