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Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Tudorowie \(dynastia\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Henryk VIII \(król Anglii \; 1491\-1547\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Maria I \(królowa Anglii \; 1516\-1558\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Edward VI \(król Anglii \; 1537\-1553\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = Elżbieta I \(królowa Anglii \; 1533\-1603\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = władcy] OR [Subject and Keywords = dynastie] OR [Subject and Keywords = sukcesja tronu] OR [Subject and Keywords = życie dworskie] OR [Subject and Keywords = Anglia \(Wielka Brytania\)] OR [Title = Tudorowie \: od Henryka VIII do Elżbiety Wielkiej] OR [Creator = Gadziński, Michał]

Number of results: 98

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Du Boys, Albert (1804-1889 Librairie Victor Palmé. Red. Société Générale de Librairie Catholique. Red.


Austen, Jane (1775-1817) Sadowska, Dorota (tłumacz). Tł.


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