Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Uniwersytet Jagielloński] OR [Subject and Keywords = absolwenci szkół wyższych] OR [Subject and Keywords = edukacja i pedagogika] OR [Subject and Keywords = panegiryk] OR [Subject and Keywords = wiersze] OR [Title = Prosvmia Sarmatica In Nobilissimo Lycæi Iagelloniani Phrontisterio \: Dvm In Illustrissimorum \[...\] Virorum Corona \[...\] ab Excellentissimo Dno Gregorio Modlinski \[...\] Jngenui XIX Iuuenes Prima in Art. \& Phil. Lavrea Adornarentvr] OR [Creator = Zajączkowski, Emeryk \(czynny ok. 1636\-1644\)]