Search for: [Subject and Keywords = Jezus Chrystus] OR [Subject and Keywords = Stefan Batory \(król Polski \; 1533\-1586\)] OR [Subject and Keywords = adoracja Najświętszego Sakramentu] OR [Subject and Keywords = chrześcijaństwo] OR [Subject and Keywords = dedykacje] OR [Subject and Keywords = Eucharystia] OR [Subject and Keywords = katolicyzm] OR [Subject and Keywords = mowy] OR [Subject and Keywords = przeistoczenie] OR [Title = Pro Cvltv Et Adoratione Iesv Christi, In Evcharistiæ Sacramento. Stanislai Socolovii apud Serenissimum Stephanvm Regem habita Concio] OR [Creator = Sokołowski, Stanisław \(1537\-1593\)]