Search for: [Subject and Keywords = dializa otrzewnowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = dializa zewnątrzustrojowa] OR [Subject and Keywords = nefrologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = nefrologia kliniczna] OR [Subject and Keywords = pielęgniarstwo nefrologiczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = terapia nerkozastępcza] OR [Subject and Keywords = transplantologia] OR [Subject and Keywords = czasopismo medyczne] OR [Subject and Keywords = czasopismo naukowe] OR [Subject and Keywords = medycyna i zdrowie] OR [Subject and Keywords = nauka i badania] OR [Title = Renal Disease and Transplantation Forum \: \[journal of the Polish Society of Child Nerphology, the Polish Nephrological Nurse Society, the Poltransplant, the Polish Society of Nephrology\]. Vol. 16, 2023, no. 2]